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You may believe that your IT system is working well and does not have any issues, but unless you are an IT expert, how can you be 100% certain? Having an independent IT audit of your system could show that everything is fine and there are no issues to worry about, or it could identify weak areas, issues or areas that could be brought up to date and made more effective. In which case you can do something about it.
To use an analogy, whilst you are required by law to have an MOT, you do not have to have your car serviced. However, having a service gives you peace of mind that your car is safe and well maintained, and that any issues will be identified and dealt with before they have a chance to become an expensive and time-consuming problem.
An IT audit is an independent verification, mapped against industry best practices and standards, to give you the certainty that your system is working at optimal efficiency. In general, it is an investigation of an existing system, report, or entity. An IT audit is a review of an organisation’s IT systems, management, applications, operations, data use, and other related processes.
Since so many organisations are spending large amounts of money on information technology in order to reap the benefits of enhanced cyber security and data security, they need to ensure that these IT systems are reliable, secure, and not vulnerable to cyber attacks. An IT audit is crucial to any business because it provides knowledge that the IT systems are appropriately protected and managed to avoid any sort of breach.
While there are multiple methods and tools available to undertake IT audits and assessments, a review of the technology only tells a small part of the story. The value of an operational assessment is to gain a true picture of the culture of an organisation, its needs and desires, the attitude and aptitude of the staff, the adequacy of existing services, the business’s appetite for and tolerance of risk and, fundamentally, the alignment with corporate goals.
An IT audit is cost-effective to your business in the sense that it will reveal exactly which services you need, and which ones your company can do without. Plus, since the technology we use daily is evolving rapidly, an IT audit can let you know which of your systems and tools are outdated and will offer alternative up-to-date solutions.
Not only do we provide a technical audit with meaningful information and value to the business, we also spend time in the business. And our solution starts with time spent onsite to observe how IT is delivered and used and also to get to know staff, speak with them, both conversationally and formally, provide an opportunity to speak in confidence. Time is also spent speaking with senior leadership to understand the corporate strategy, budget, risk strategy and immediate priorities.
Audits and assessments give you assurance that your systems are working effectively and are achieving the goals and objectives of your business. Call Lumina today to discuss your booking an audit.