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In our last blog, we talked about the importance of negative feedback. After all, you can only improve your service by finding out what is wrong.
At Lumina, we care about our customers, and it is our job to help them grow and achieve their strategic objectives. And we listen to them by collecting feedback.
We have recently changed our approach to feedback and try and collect negative feedback – a dangerous approach you may think, but if you don’t know it is broke, how can you fix it!
We previously attempted to maintain a 99% CSAT score. We did this by asking clients how well we did via a survey. Even though we thought the survey was short and easy to fill out, we were getting a return rate of less than 10%. While the scores we received where high, we also had stakeholders calling us and they were definitely not 99% happy. Something wasn’t right.
If it is broke, fix it!
We recently took the decision to change the way we ask for feedback. Firstly, we started using a tool that allowed for one-click feedback. We also decided the feedback needed to be based on emotion and not opinion. As a result, we now have a smiley feedback system embedded on every resolved ticket email. This approach has increased our return rate to over 30%.
Colour system
Now that we are getting a wider range of feedback, we have designed a new process to achieve value for each type:
Lessons learned
In the first month of our new approach we have learned a lot. We have already changed four of our processes to prevent issues happening again. We have also identified a skills gap that is now being filled by a training programme.
As we continue to collect feedback, we will use the data to improve current services and shape new ones. Yes, the positives are good, but it is only through the negatives that we can shape, improve and create a better performing service in the future.