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If you feel like your current IT provider is not giving you enough value and you are frustrated with their service because your staff are disengaged with their work due of IT issues, you are in the dark over your IT and have no idea whether it is working effectively or not but you have a strong suspicion that something isn’t quite right…
then maybe it is time to consider switching providers?
It’s okay to feel discomfort at the thought of switching IT providers due to the upheaval and disruption that you think it will cause to business operations.
You don’t want your business’s service to suffer or worse, you don’t want to have to go a day or two without working because you have no IT during the switch – like many people experience when changing internet providers.
You want continuity throughout the switchover and for you to receive a proper service at the end of it.
First of all, it’s understandable if you have been led to believe that switching your IT provider will be a massive business disruptor, or maybe you have had experience of this yourself, which is why you have been reticent to contemplate it – even if your current IT provider is causing your business real pain. You may feel the pain is switching will be greater.
But we here at Lumina have created a guide to show you that it does not have to be like this – ‘it’s too complicated to switch’ is only a myth.
This myth was encouraged by the IT service industry to create an illusion that it is too difficult to switch providers, so that businesses feel they have ‘no choice’ but to put up with the pain of bad IT once they have chosen a provider.
Too many businesses today put up with ‘contract-ending’ practises from their IT provider because they are unaware that there are alternatives out there.
IT is a mission critical element of your business and there is too much at stake to simply do nothing and continue as you are if you are unhappy with the current service you are receiving.
So, consider this, are you going to continue with your current IT provider if they are causing you and your staff so much frustration?
Do you really value them? Or worse still, do they not value you?
Are you ready to explore other credible alternatives out there?
If you are the type of business founder/senior leader that want to take back responsibility for ALL of your mission critical elements of your business and feel empowered to be in full control, then we have the perfect resource for you…
Click here to access the Guide To Switching IT Providers.