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At Lumina, we know that we cannot change the world. It is an impossible task for a single person or organisation. But that does not mean that we cannot take small steps within our work to contribute to a larger vision.
According to the United Nations, small-medium sized businesses make up 90% of all global businesses and provide 60% of the world’s employment. They are described as the ‘economic lifeblood’ of communities around the world.
In the UK alone, government statistics estimate that 5.5 million small businesses support 27 million jobs.
This shows that safeguarding them from perfectly preventable threats: such as a financial loss from being a victim of cybercrime; or a reputational loss due to a technical operational shut down; has become of paramount importance to both the business itself and wider community it supports.
Lumina understands this which is why we choose to partner with small-medium sized businesses. We choose to help the business founders who have made the sacrifices and had the grit and determination to build a business of greater value, whether it’s through job creation and providing the opportunities for people to have meaningful careers or giving back to their local community in another way.
Small-medium sized businesses deserve the same level of protection as larger enterprises – and this is what IT can provide. This makes up a large part of Lumina’s mission, as does contributing to some of the goals the UN has set.
In 2015, The United Nations set a total of 17 goals as part of their 2030 Sustainable Agenda to bring peace and prosperity to the planet. The work we do here at Lumina helps contribute to a few of those goals.
Let’s take a deeper dive into how Lumina is aiming to contribute to these goals…
This has been defined as to ‘ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages.’
At Lumina, we contribute to this goal by making our entire team feel appreciated and heard in our workplace so that they feel happy to come to work every day. We run an internal employee survey every six months to get regular feedback from people and to monitor employee engagement levels.
We are a close-knit team here at Lumina which means everyone can be comfortable in giving valuable feedback on the company mission, values, and culture. A key behaviour that all our team members have is empathy, and this has enabled everyone to feel comfortable to go to senior managers about any issues they have been experiencing, whether it’s work related or not.
By allowing everyone to feel seen and heard inside the business, we are comfortable in the knowledge that we are doing everything we can to promote the mental health and wellbeing of our team. A happier and healthier employee means a happier service desk for our clients to interact with.
This has been defined as to ‘ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all’.
Today, cybercrime is a thriving business, and no one is safe, not as an individual or as a business. Here at Lumina, we partner with small-medium sized businesses to help them stay secure through providing reliable IT solutions. We help our clients embrace a culture of cybersecurity to protect businesses from becoming a victim of cybercrime.
Approximately 80% of all cyber breaches happen because of human error. Part of our mission is to educate people to become security aware so that they can reduce the risk of themselves and the business they work for becoming a victim of a hacker/scammer. We include cybersecurity awareness training in most of our PRISM packages.
Additionally, our CEO, Richard McBarnet was the Cybersecurity Ambassador for the Institute of Directors (IOD) Hertfordshire branch. He is also a STEM Ambassador for our local region of Hertfordshire volunteering at different schools or clubs to discuss IT and Cybersecurity as a career path for young people.
This has been defined as to ‘promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all’.
Links with Goal 3:Good Health and Well-Being:
By creating an inclusive culture at Lumina where our team members feel seen and heard; they are positively motivated to contribute to our mission. We know that we are providing decent work for our staff, we are profitable, our clients are profitable so we are having a positive influence on our local economy.
Mutual success allows both Lumina and our clients to grow which encourages more innovation and job creation for both of us. Providing a supportive workplace for people to build meaningful careers only seeks to create better work and economic growth.
This has been defined as to ‘build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialisation and foster innovation’.
Lumina partners with small-medium sized businesses, so that they can achieve rewarding success through being secure, resilient, and mission focused; by providing reliable IT solutions that just work.
In short, we help businesses protect themselves by enabling them to reduce their risk through building a solid, enterprise-level IT infrastructure. By doing this, our clients can achieve higher levels of economic productivity through diversification, technological upgrading, and innovation.
Higher technology organisations are far more resilient in crises than their lower-tech counterparts.
This has been defined as to ‘make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable’.
As previously mentioned, Lumina partner with businesses in our local areas of London and Hertfordshire and our work helps drive local economies and communities through job creation, protect businesses from catastrophic financial or reputational damage, safeguard local communities and ensure rapid recovery should a disaster occur.
How does the work your business does contribute to some of the UN goals or a wider vision?