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More and more companies are using the cloud as a cost-effective, flexible and scalable way of improving their IT services. The cloud is a way of using apps, resources, and services on demand via the internet, connecting with the cloud provider’s hardware and software. With many companies using the same provider’s services, they can take advantage of the economies of scale this brings, enabling many SMEs to access higher performance hardware and software than they could afford on their own. And the technology is constantly being upgraded enabling companies to always be up-to-date with new developments.
Different cloud types
There are three types of cloud technologies for your company to consider: public; private; and hybrid.
The advantages of cloud technology
From a business owner’s point-of-view, the cloud basically means that any problems are somebody else’s headache! All the hardware and software, updates and licences, maintenance and repairs are carried out by a specialist IT company. They will have effective back-up and recovery systems in place, which means the likelihood of a break in your business continuity is much lower than if you hosted your own system.
What do we recommend?
We certainly recommend that companies of all sizes move to the cloud. Tailor your needs, to the tailor cloud services to whatever is best for your company’s needs, whether that is public, private, hybrid.
A number of our clients are on shared hosting which means they use the same hardware (but with separate accounts) which allows more competitive pricing – in short, this gives them a higher end service for a lower price.
Many people use the cloud because they think it offers them cost savings. However, in many cases, any savings made are negligible. The main advantage of using the cloud is that it provides flexibility and agility – both of which are much needed in the ever faster-paced business environment.
Get in touch to discuss how your business will benefit from cloud technology.