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In our last blog, we looked at the advantages to your IT department of outsourcing your Helpdesk services. We outlined how it can give your own IT experts the time they need to concentrate on more in-depth projects. But if your company’s resources would be better utilised on the day-to-day tasks, outsourcing specific tasks to a project delivery specialist will help your business move forward while your IT department concentrates on its work.
In overstretched IT departments, in addition to the Helpdesk and other day-to-day duties, there is often the need to work on a number of ‘must-do’ projects. These can include upgrades, server OS upgrades, etc. – as well as the higher impact stuff, such as a new upgrade for a mainline business application. IT teams are often concerned about having sufficient time and resources to deliver such projects. When the Helpdesk is busy and there are constantly new things that need to be looked at, the larger-value change projects tend to get bumped, with a subsequent impact on the business as a whole.
Return on investment can be surprising
The success of project delivery is about understanding what the company is trying to achieve, how the project will fit in with the company’s strategic goals and how the business will realise its ROI. All too often, directors will look at a project and just see an old system that needs replacing, rather than considering the elements that can be improved – Prince2, Agile etc – to help the business move forward.
With the right strategy, the cost of implementation can pay for itself in a surprisingly short period of time, meaning your business can go forward at a greater pace. By understanding the maturity of the technology, it is easier to get Board-level buy-in. For example, you have a million-pound IT spend which is at full capacity, but you need to finance a new project to facilitate an upgrade. It may well cost £50k to implement the most business-appropriate project, which sounds unfeasible until you take into consideration that, by doing so, it will save your company half a million pounds!
In the above scenario, the investment would now make huge business sense. In our experience, the ROI of IT projects is not initially taken into consideration, which results in departments having to go with the cheapest option rather than the most cost-effective one. We find that by putting forward the right business case, clients who initially say they do not have the budget to implement our recommendations then understand why they cannot afford not to do it!
By utilising an outsourced partner capable of researching and managing a project to ensure it is delivered on time and on budget, your team will have the ability to improve the organisation at a faster pace.