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Does your IT partner treat you as if they were an internal IT department? Do they make you confident they understand how your company works? Are they keen to contribute to the success of your business? How invested are they in you?
The ideal scenario is to develop a strategic alignment with your IT Managed Services Provider. They need to understand what you do and how you do it, to make sure you have the most appropriate technology to get your job done properly and grow the company.
From the beginning of your relationship, you want your IT provider to recommend technology that has the capability to grow and continue to function at optimal strength as your company grows. And your provider should be scheduling regular meetings with the main decision-makers in your company to review your changing business needs, ensuring your technology continues to be right for the job.
No breaks in service
On a very basic level, the priority for your company is to continue trading at all times, and this requires an always-on IT system. Your service provider, therefore, should be constantly monitoring conditions to spot and resolve potential issues before they have a chance to cause a system failure.
Our engineers understand the importance of having constant uptime and will therefore build in resilience when constructing your systems, e.g. being able to spot an issue with a disk before it fails and switch it out – in fact, the majority of the time, our clients do not even know they had a problem because we fixed it without needing to interrupt their service.
On a higher strategic level, you need to be sure that your technology is fit for purpose. Your IT company should ensure that you have the right software to maximise efficiency, have the best controls in place to encrypt and protect your devices, and secure information that is out in the field.
If you outsource your IT to a provider that is proactive and makes strategic recommendations that are intended to contribute to the success of your company, your IT will always be fit for purpose for your company’s needs, and moreover will act as a business enabler, with minimal likelihood of downtime and no nasty IT surprises.